We're Really Leaving Alaska: First Family Member Flies Out Tomorrow

Guys. Today is Noma’s last full day in the 907. That’s the area code for all of Alaska, just FYI. Keep in mind that from where we live in the southern-most town in Alaska (Ketchikan) to the northern-most town in Alaska is about the same distance as New York City to Key West. It’s 1300-1400 miles. Like, twice the distance from Virginia to Chicago. I didn’t realize how huge Alaska is until I lived here, either, but I still giggle when people ask me weather or travel-related questions about “Alaska” as if it’s all the same here. If you lived in NYC, would you have the same weather as the southern-most tip of Florida? Or know great restaurant recommendations? Not that Alaska has many restaurants…I digress. The point is, it’s still all one big happy area code.

And Noma’s leaving it.

WE are leaving it.

Can’t deal. I think saying goodbye to Noma is really making it real. Tomorrow, she jets off to accompany Aaron on a work trip, then will be dropped off to live with my parents for two months. She’s leaving so we can take our epic month-long road trip without worrying about dog-friendly hotels or going on excursions with nowhere to leave her.

Listen, I know we’re moving. We have the movers coming on a certain date and are closing on our house in Florida in just a few weeks…but like, how is it happening??

Often times with military moves, it’s hard to wrap your head around everything because there’s nothing visual. We bought our house sight-unseen. We don’t have to pack up a ton of our belongings since the movers do that for us. So much is simply planned or signed on paper—not tangible.

But Noma is tangible! She’s SO TANGIBLE. Like the softest tangible. It feels like yesterday we were training her to go outside to pee in the rain since it rains almost every day here in Ketchikan. She was such a princess, but now she’s a rain goddess. She doesn’t mind getting wet because she’s an Alaskan puppy pro at this point— but how is it already over? I have to go from worrying about bald eagles to worrying about gators. Lord help us keep this 5 pound fluff alive for 15 years. Especially when she thinks she could physically dominate any other living creature.

So, today’s when it gets real. We lose the 6th member of our family as we prepare for our lives to turn upside down in fewer than two months. We’ve booked movers and every stop on our road trip and commissioned an artist to paint the view of our backyard and bought our car ferry ticket and bought a house and signed Anders up for school in Florida and…and…we’re leaving. It’s actually happening.

I can’t bring myself to write about what Alaska has meant to me. Not yet. Today’s post is mostly just for me to start coming to literal, tangible terms with this move. Noma-noodle, I hope you get lots and lots of treats from your grandpawrents. We’ll miss you, little sled dog.

Shannon Leyko